‹ jan0sch.de


December Adventure

aerc mail: Reflections after the first years.

aerc mail: Switching to khard and khal for addresses and calendars.

Synchronise CalDAV and CardDAV data for khal and khard with Vdirsyncer

Linux: Repairing a software raid on a Sunday morning.

Setting environment variables for window manager on HiDPI with GDM, wayland and company.

Scala and SBT: Switch from IntegrationTest config to tagged tests.

PostgreSQL authentication: Migrate from MD5 to SCRAM-SHA-256

Getting TeamCity widgets on your Jetbrains Hub Dashboard

How to add a darcs pre record hook for scalafmt.

FreeBSD - Deleting old ZFS snapshots

A git pre commit hook with scalafmt.

Move git commits between branches... properly!

Fix neovim coc-metals for Scala installation under FreeBSD

Build Gitea pull requests with TeamCity

No input devices after xorg-server upgrade on FreeBSD

Typesafe config and SBT class loader issues with Cats IO

Pure functional HTTP APIs in Scala

LambdaHRO - Treffen zu funktionaler Programmierung

Fixing jumping mouse in dosbox and SDL apps.

Using neovim for Scala development - Take 2

Webentwicklung mit Scala

Buch zur Webentwicklung mit Scala veröffentlicht!

ZFS-Snapshots für die Datensicherung mit FreeBSD

Using neovim for Scala development

Git - Template for .gitconfig

FreeBSD upgrade to 11.2 unexpected reboots

Install FreeBSD sources.

Confluence reverse proxy and firefox

sbt override default resolvers

Slick and slick-pg compiler error.

Change commit author in git history

Akka, scala and wartremover: Inferred type containing Any on Receive method

FreeBSD CUPS upgrade leading to 'No such file or directory' error

A nice prompt for lftp

Windows 10 disable web search

Windows 10 remove web stuff from start menu

Chef knife SSL Validation error on FreeBSD

Remove multiple remote branches with git

Aqbanking, GnuCash, HBCI Sparkasse Vorpommern

Small script for updating all git repositories within a directory.

Import private key and certificate into java keystore

Google chrome issues on FreeBSD (GLIBCXX and chrash on sync)

Bulk promises with EmberJS

Nokogiri gem on FreeBSD, libiconv missing error

Vagrant, Virtualbox, 32bit systems and more than one cpu

Check outdated dependencies via Maven

Apache Wicket testing links in listview

Setting gtk2 and gtk3 theme via config file

Git - quickly switch to last branch

How to to get into the android bootloader?

Enable powerline fonts with rxvt-unicode and vim-airline

Sylpheed and Opera

Log to file using log4j when running with tomcat

RSpec mocha warning with rails

Rotating rails application log files

Mirror svn repositories with git and svn2git

FreeBSD portmaster disable portaudit check

RSpec formatter to see failed tests faster.

Lighttpd, newrelic php and per directory settings.

Useable terminal font for windows

Get GitHub API oauth token with curl.

Ubuntu Tomcat too many open files

Rails, ActiveAdmin and CanCan

FreeBSD py-cairo and error python headers not found

Mounting ISO images under FreeBSD

Installing wine under FreeBSD 8 amd64

Debugging SugarCRM using Krumo

Reset SugarCRM admin password via sql

Rails 3, ruby-debug gem and build error on bundle install under freebsd

Quick application crash debugging on FreeBSD or 'strace is a Linux tool'

Drupal organic groups extras add content links

Rails, FactoryGirl and has_and_belongs_to_many

Beware of setting innodb_log_file_size too high on mysql!

Sylpheed on FreeBSD bind: permission denied

Ruby on rails and active_admin assets on Heroku

Don't use cucumber for integration tests

Configure test frameworks and fixture replacements in rails

Howto split a git repository into two

Drupal clean urls and lighttpd

Javascript Unit Tests under TeamCity using JSTestDriver

Running Drupal tests under TeamCity

Uninstall all ruby gems from your system

Implementing your own scheduler functions for SugarCRM

Mass renaming files with zmv

Compiling Sylpheed under FreeBSD