Mass renaming files with zmv
The zsh contains a very usefull extension called zmv. You can load it via autoload -U zmv
. The man page is located under zshcontrib. A very usefull flag is -n
which does not execute the command but prints the command that would be executed. Use this if you are unsure about your patterns.
Here are two simple examples:
Replace all spaces in filenames with underscores.
% zmv '* *' '$f:gs/ /_'
Rename all files according to a pattern.
% zmv '*.(*).(*).([0-9][0-9])*.mkv' '$1_$2-$3.mkv'
This one renames all files matching Garbage.Important.Important.Two-Digits-Followed-by-Garbage.mkv
into Important_Important-Two-Digits.mkv